Saturday, May 16, 2015

DBW- Favorites and Motivations

This is my post for Day 6 of DBlog Week.  Interested in more?  Check it out here.

"The very first inspiration for Diabetes Blog Week was to help connect our blogging community, and that continues to be the most important reason it's held every year.  So let's help foster and continue those connections as we wrap up another Dblog Week.  Share a link to a new blog you've found or a new friend you've made.  Or pick a random blog off of the Participant's List, check it out and share it with us.  Let's take some time today to make new friends."  

Of all my posts my favorite line still comes from my second post on the blog.  "This is not MY diabetes, this is OUR diabetes."  Try as I might to compartmentalize things and keep them to myself or keep things from effecting those around me it's just not possible.  Diabetes does not just alter the life of the person who is diagnosed, it is life changing for everyone around them as well.  When I child is diagnosed the parents become live in nurses, sacrificing sleep and social activities to ensure that their child is healthy.  They become an external pancreas for their children.  And then there is the financial impact.  For the siblings it means that one child in the family is likely receiving a lot more attention as Mom and Dad fight to keep them healthy.  For those diagnosed as adults like myself the rest of the family undergoes a lot of changes as well.  For the Pretty Lady in My Life it meant a lot of worry.  Not knowing what this diagnosis meant and seeing me suffer through low and high blood sugar fluctuations.  And the mood swings...oh the mood swings.  My kids don't always fully understand what is going on, they have to deal with Dad not always feeling up to playing or having mood swings.  And they have all had to deal with mental aspects of this disease and the depression it sometimes brings on for me, right along side me.  I often forget that while I'm the one checking blood sugar, dosing insulin, fixing lows, and whatever else diabetes throws at me I am not alone in the fight.  I have my loved ones going through it right along side me.

Check out everyone else's posts about their Favorites and Motivations!

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